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Обов’язкові реквізити для довідок та архівних довідок:

  • фірмовий бланк навчального закладу;
  • вихідний номер;
  • дата видачі;
  • назва документу;
  • посада та ПІБ особи, яка підписала документ;
  • підпис ректора (директора) або проректора;
  • гербова печатка навчального закладу.

Орієнтовний зразок оформлення довідок та архівних довідок


_______________(адреса, телефон, факс, електронна адреса)__________________

Вих. № _____________ від ___________р.

Архівна довідка

Видана Іванову Івану Івановичу в тому, що він дійсно навчався з 01.09.2004р. по 30.06.2009р. за спеціальністю «Менеджмент» денної форми навчання Національного університету та 30 червня 2009 року отримав диплом спеціаліста АА № 12345678.

Вищезазначений документ надає право на здійснення професійної діяльності та право вступу до магістратури або аспірантури.

Довідка видана для надання за місцем вимоги.

Ректор _________________________ Прізвище, ім’я, по батькові



Зверніть увагу, що академічна довідка має бути оформлена на бланку державного зразка згідно з Постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 31.03.2015 р. № 193 "Про документи про вищу освіту (наукові ступені) державного зразка" та Наказу Міністерства освіти і науки України від 12.05.2015 р. № 525 "Про затвердження форм документів про вищу освіту (наукові ступені) державного зразка та додатків до них, зразка академічної довідки".

Таким чином, орієнтовний зразок оформлення довідок та архівних довідок не застосовується для академічних довідок.

Обов’язкові реквізити для навчальних планів, навчальних програм та витягів з них:

  • фірмовий бланк;
  • вихідний номер;
  • дата видачі;
  • назва документу;
  • посада та ПІБ особи, яка підписала документ;
  • підпис ректора (директора) або проректора;
  • гербова печатка навчального закладу.

Орієнтовний зразок оформлення навчальних планів, навчальних програм та витягів з них


_______________(адреса, телефон, факс, електронна адреса)__________________

Вих. № _____________ від ___________р.


Ректор (перший проректор, проректор)

Національного університету

_____________ ПІБ


Витяг з навчального плану

зі спеціальності «Фармація»

за якими Петров Петро Петрович

здобув кваліфікацію провізора

диплом ВВ № 98765432 від 15 липня 1991 року


Вимоги до оформлення документів відповідають:

  1. Типовій інструкції з діловодства;
  2. Закону України «Про засади державної мовної політики»;
  3. Національному стандарту України (Вимоги до оформлювання документів ДСТУ 4163-2003), затвердженого Наказом Держспоживстандарту України від 7 квітня 2003 року № 55, який установлює вимоги до бланків та оформлювання документів, які обов’язково повинні бути оформлені на фірмових бланках навчальних закладів, мати вихідні номери та дати, містити в собі назви документів, підписи та відбитки печаток;
  4. Інструкції про порядок витребування документів соціально-правового характеру для громадян України, іноземців та осіб без громадянства, затвердженій Наказом Державного комітету архівів України Міністерства закордонних справ України від 11 червня 2001 року № 116/53.


Our Centre performs verification of educational documents for ICAS Canada. You may order the forming of package for ICAS Canada during a personal reception at our Centre or submit an application remotely (without visiting the office).

From November 5, 2020 the transfer of a package of documents to ICAS Canada is carried out by our Centre in electronic form. This format of document transfer significantly speeds up the process of consideration of applicants’ cases, who apply for recognition of their qualifications, obtained in Ukraine.

The procedure for submitting documents to ICAS Canada for Ukraine can be found on the website of organization.

Information about the correct filling of the upper part of the application form «Applicant to Complete This Section» and selecting (list) documents for forming a package of documents for ICAS Canada (for example: whether you need a certificate of secondary education, a bachelor's degree diploma, etc.) must be obtained directly from ICAS Canada.

The package of documents for ICAS Canada, which is formed by our Centre, includes:

  1. ICAS Canada Official Records Request Form, which fills in on each document that assigns a level of education or degree (certificate of secondary education, diploma, certificate etc.). After registering on the ICAS Canada website, it is available to download the Application Form. Fill in the upper part of this form and please, indicate the reference number for ICAS Canada.
  2. Copies of the educational documents together with their transcripts.
  3. Copy of the document together with the translation confirming the change of the name (if applicable).
  4. Copies of translations of documents on education, made by our Centre (in case of ordering), or copies of translations, provided by the applicant.

Translation of educational documents into English can be ordered at our Centre during procedure of documents submitting. You can acquaint with the cost of the translation service and the term of its performance on our website in the section Cost and terms. The calculation will be made by a specialist of the Centre during the documents’ submission.

If you already have translation of educational documents and want it to be the part of our package for ICAS, you can provide good quality copies of translation during the documents’ submission. Translations provided by you have to be certified by a notary public or by a seal of the translation agency. Translations performed by universities, chambers of commerce and industry, online translators etc., are not included in the package.

The Centre forms a package of documents for ICAS Canada, including only those documents that are part of the list agreed with the organization. The specialist of our Centre will be able to determine whether it is possible to put copies of the documents, submitted by the applicant, to the package after their analysis.

The procedure for forming the package:

  1. You submit us (or send in case of remote submission) the ICAS Canada Official Records Request Forms, copies of educational documents, copies of translations (if applicable) and copy of the document with its translation, confirming the change of the surname (if necessary).
  2. We carry out the verification of the fact of your education and issuance of the documents. We fill in the bottom part of the application form and certify it.
  3. We perform a translation of educational documents into English (in case of ordering the service at our Centre).
  4. We send the package of documents to ICAS Canada electronically.
The term of preparation of the package of documents for ICAS Canada is 30 working days. You can get acquainted with the cost of services on the corresponding page of the website.

To order the package for ICAS Canada, please, contact our office at the operating hours or make an application on distant submission of documents.

Attention! The Centre carries out only verification of documents, forming of a package and arranges the sending in accordance with the requirements of ICAS Canada.

Centre has no influence on the procedure of evaluation of your documents in ICAS Canada and is not responsible for the results of the recognition procedure.


Our Centre carries out the verification of documents on education for WES USA.

Taking into account the situation in our country and the imposition of martial law due to the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, in order to facilitate the document submission procedure for applicants, from February 24, 2022 and until the cessation of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine, we accept scanned copies of a good quality instead of originals for forming a package of documents for WES USA (if the Apostille stamp is already affixed to the originals of documents on education).

From June 2, 2020 the transfer of the package of documents to WES USA is carried out by our Centre in electronic form through a secure file transfer protocol. This format of document transfer significantly speeds up the process of consideration of applicants’ cases, who apply for recognition of their qualifications, obtained in Ukraine.

During forming of package, our specialists focus exclusively on WES requirements. The procedure of submitting documents to WES USA for Ukraine and the requirements for filling out the package can be found on the WES website. Information on correctly filling in the upper part (A) of the application form and selection (list) of documents for forming of the WES package (for example: whether you need certificate of secondary education, a bachelor's degree diploma, archive statement, etc.) find out directly in WES on their website at "Have a Question?" window.

You can order the forming of WES package during a personal reception at our Centre or apply remotely (without visiting of our office).

The package for WES USA includes:

  1. Application form of WES USA (Academic Records Request Form), which fills for each document that confers an educational level or degree (certificate of basic secondary education, certificate of complete secondary education, diploma, etc.). The application form becomes available for download after registration on the WES USA website. The owner of the documents fills, in the electronic or paper form, the table of part "A" of this application form and must indicate the registration number in WES (Reference #), put his own signature and date of filling in the appropriate fields.
  2. Copies of your documents on education with their transcripts with Apostille stamp, certified by the seal of our Centre.
  3. Copies of translations of documents on education, made by the Centre (in case of ordering).

Translation of educational documents into English can be ordered at our Centre during procedure of documents submitting. You can acquaint with the cost of the translation service and the term of its performance on our website in the section Cost and terms. The calculation will be made by a specialist of the Centre during the documents’ submission.

Translations of educational documents made by another translators and organizations are not included in the package which is formed by our Centre! You send them to WES USA by yourself.

The procedure of forming the package:

  1. You submit us (or send in the case of remote submission) application forms and originals of educational documents.
  2. If educational documents have not been certified by the Apostille earlier, you will need to order an Apostille (the cost of this service and the terms are calculated separately).
  3. After verification of the fact of your education and issuance of the documents our specialist fills in the lower part "B" of the application form, certifies the copies of your educational documents.
  4. We perform the translation of documents on education (in case of ordering).
  5. Then the package of documents in electronic form is transmitted to WES through a secure file transfer protocol.

You can get the originals of educational documents in our office (according to the schedule of issuance) or, in the case of remote submission or ordering a courier delivery, we will send them to the address specified by you.

The term of preparing of the package is 10 business days. The cost and terms of affixing an apostille and sending of the originals are not included in the cost and terms of preparing the package for WES. You can get acquainted with the cost of services on the corresponding page of the website.

Attention! The Centre carries out only verification of documents, forming of a package in accordance with the requirements of WES USA and sends it to WES. Centre has no influence on the procedure of evaluation of your documents in WES USA and is not responsible for the results of the recognition procedure.


We advise you to use the option of Personal Cabinet registration to make your application process convenient and time saving.
For this please start with creating an account.

How to create an account?

  1. Push the button “Create an account” in the upper right corner of the page.
  2. Using tooltips, fill in all the fields with relevant information. To see a tooltip, lead cursor to the field name:

  3. After filling in all the fields choose “Register”.
  4. Upon successful registration, you will be sent a confirmation email to the email address you provided. Please follow the instructions there to confirm your account. After confirmation you will need to log in.

Now you can use your Personal Cabinet. It will appear in the Menu bar.

How to create an application?

  1. Push a “Create a new application” button.
  2. Fill in the information about an applicant, document holder (if different) and educational document.
    Please note: an applicant is a person who will submit the documents. You must fill in the relevant fields informing us about the submission type (i.e. who exactly will send or bring the package of documents, or it will be a distant application). In case when documents are submitted by their holder, applicant’s and holder’s data will match.
  3. Using tooltips to fill in all the fields with relevant information. To see a tooltip, lead cursor to the * mark.
  4. If you are using a “Distant application” option, you need to attach scan-copies of educational documents (diploma, diploma transcript, etc.)
    Please note: max size of one file is 1 Mb. If your scan-copy is oversized, please compress it. Also, please, consider the requirements for creating a request for distant apostille.
  5. Push the “Save request” button after attaching all scan-copies and providing all necessary information.

Your application is done. Now you can see it in your application list. You may choose any option in the activity list, such as “Edit the application”, “Send request for processing” or “Create a new application”.

Please note: At this stage your request is located only in your personal cabinet with “Creation an application” status. Please, push the “Send request for processing” button for putting it into process.

Your next step depends on type of submission procedure:

  • in case of submission in office - you may visit it to submit your documents;
  • in case of distant procedure - just wait; within 1-3 working days your request will be processed, and you will get a message with information about it: details on procedure of apostille, completeness of the application file, and applicable time options and cost of the procedure. You will be able to communicate with a manager via your Personal Cabinet.


Distant document application is a step-by-step process, which is realized only in Personal Cabinet (further – PC). All the documents — invoice and forms — you will get from an operator, with whom you will be communicating during the processing your request. You may send documents package to us only after passing all the steps of distant application.

Step 1. Creating the application for remote delivery in Personal Cabinet

Please sign up to open access to PC. After that you can begin creating the request for remote delivery. Fill the active forms (marked with *), keeping the instructions. In case of difficulties in filling the forms, you may ask your questions by phone — the operator can’t see any messages from not processed request. When you finished creating the application, please, push the “Send request for processing” button in available actions list.

Within 1-3 working days your request will be processed. Incorrect request will be not processed. If you are interested in fast processing of your application, you should fill the request correctly. All requirements are given below only to prevent any troubles in your documents processing.

Requirements for filling the request:

  1. Only a lawful age (18+) person with passport or personal ID may be an applicant.
  2. The holder of documents doesn’t need to be an applicant. There is no necessary in submitting documents by their holder. It can be done by any other person without notarized power of attorney.
  3. An applicant must create one joint request for all the documents he wants to submit. Please, do not create two different requests, for example, with diploma and its transcript. All the documents you want to submit must be attached to one common request — with information and scan-copies of each document.
  4. Request must be created by the applicant name, not by the documents holder’s name. For example, if the applicant wants to submit documents from different holders, he doesn’t need to create two different requests from two different people (watch §3.)
  5. Holder’s name in the request have to match with holder’s name in the documents (in Ukrainian.)
  6. If the applicant (in case of being the document holder at the same time) has changed his last name after getting diploma, he must point out his actual last name in the field about applicant, and point out his former last name in the field about holder.

Technical requirements for scan-copies:

  1. Please, attach all the pages, which content requisites of the documents (document name, serial number, signs, date issue, holders name).
  2. Scan-copies must be legible (recommended resolution – 200-300 dpi). If you have no ability to scan your documents, you may replace them by photos with the same technical requirements.
  3. Type of files — only .jpg/.jpeg.
  4. Maximal file size of one image — 1 Mb.

Scan-copies of your documents are the only way to define available terms and cost. We will appreciate if you give us an opportunity to make this process fast and correct.

Step 2. Terms and cost specification

The operator will answer on you request during 1-3 working days. In your personal cabinet you will get an answer from him about:

  • correctness and accuracy of your request;
  • or about available terms of processing your documents.

Please, push the envelope icon to read the message:

Picture 1. Unread message from operator

If you want to inform operator about chosen terms or ask more questions, please, do it in personal cabinet (pic. 2, 3). According to your chosen terms operator will generate for you forms, which you will have to put into the package before sending.

Picture 2. How to write an answer (1)

Picture 3. How to write an answer (2)

Please note! Choosing terms step is the last chance to make adjustments to your application (change the list of documents or services, for example). So you should think over carefully, because there will be no options to change something after generating the forms.

Step 3. Filling the form and paying the invoice

On this stage you print and fill the forms, and pay the bill.

The operator will send you generated forms to your personal cabinets, not to your e-mail. Please, push the “View the documents” button in available actions:

Рicture 4. Generated forms and/or invoices

Also you will receive an instruction on filling forms in your message list. Print the forms, then fill them and send scan-copies to operator to e-mail, pointed out in the instruction. The operator will look through the scan-copies and answer you in PC about accuracy of filling forms.

If you are going to pay in Ukraine, your invoice had been already generated with forms. If you are going to pay from abroad, operator will generate the invoice for you only after receiving scan-copies on e-mail (because invoice is generated according to information, which you point out in the forms).

Picture 5. How to pay

You may pay the invoice or in the PC on-line via Portmone, or in any bank with printed invoice. In case of paying via Portmone you don’t need any receipt after; if you are going to pay in the bank, please, save the bank receipt — you must put it into the package.

Step 4. Sending the package of documents

After checking the accuracy of filling forms, you will receive an answer from operator about your next step, which is sending the document actually.

Approximately list of documents, included in package:

  1. originals of educational documents;
  2. originals of correctly filled forms;
  3. original of bank receipt (if you’ve paid in bank).

This list is general. Please, look up to final list, written by operator in the message.

Then you must choose the courier service and send the formed package of documents to our office: Information and Image Centre SE, 25, Chornovola St., Kyiv 01135, Ukraine.

We inform usually in personal cabinet about receiving your package and starting to work with documents. Processing of your documents begins only the next day after receiving full payment and package of documents.

You may control status of your documents in your personal cabinet or by contact numbers.

Please note! According to the Law of Ukraine “On personal data protecting” and for confidentiality preservation we shall not give away personal information to third parties. Due to this all the information about documents is giving only to applicants.