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- Details
- Category: Без категорії
- Published on Thursday, 29 October 2015 08:34
- Written by Макаревич Евгения
- Hits: 18882
We advise you to use the option of Personal Cabinet registration to make your application process convenient and time saving.
For this please start with creating an account.
How to create an account?
- Push the button “Create an account” in the upper right corner of the page.
- Using tooltips, fill in all the fields with relevant information. To see a tooltip, lead cursor to the field name:
- After filling in all the fields choose “Register”.
- Upon successful registration, you will be sent a confirmation email to the email address you provided. Please follow the instructions there to confirm your account. After confirmation you will need to log in.
Now you can use your Personal Cabinet. It will appear in the Menu bar.
How to create an application?
- Push a “Create a new application” button.
- Fill in the information about an applicant, document holder (if different) and educational document.
Please note: an applicant is a person who will submit the documents. You must fill in the relevant fields informing us about the submission type (i.e. who exactly will send or bring the package of documents, or it will be a distant application). In case when documents are submitted by their holder, applicant’s and holder’s data will match. - Using tooltips to fill in all the fields with relevant information. To see a tooltip, lead cursor to the * mark.
- If you are using a “Distant application” option, you need to attach scan-copies of educational documents (diploma, diploma transcript, etc.)
Please note: max size of one file is 1 Mb. If your scan-copy is oversized, please compress it. Also, please, consider the requirements for creating a request for distant apostille. - Push the “Save request” button after attaching all scan-copies and providing all necessary information.
Your application is done. Now you can see it in your application list. You may choose any option in the activity list, such as “Edit the application”, “Send request for processing” or “Create a new application”.
Please note: At this stage your request is located only in your personal cabinet with “Creation an application” status. Please, push the “Send request for processing” button for putting it into process.
Your next step depends on type of submission procedure:
- in case of submission in office - you may visit it to submit your documents;
- in case of distant procedure - just wait; within 1-3 working days your request will be processed, and you will get a message with information about it: details on procedure of apostille, completeness of the application file, and applicable time options and cost of the procedure. You will be able to communicate with a manager via your Personal Cabinet.