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Please take this into account when calculating your order:

  1. Each document that needs to be affixed with an apostille stamp is considered a separate document (for example, a diploma and a diploma supplement).
  2. The term for regular document processing is 40 working days.
  3. Mandatory payment for regular processing of each document:
    • administrative fee for individuals – UAH 51.00;
    • administrative fee for legal entities – UAH 85.00.

  4. The administrative fee is paid by a separate receipt and must be provided when submitting documents.
  5. Payment for express processing of documents and other services shall be made:
    • for submission in the office – immediately after submission of documents;
    • for remote submission – before sending the documents.

  6. The cost of courier (postal) delivery shall be paid by the holder of the documents independently.

The time for receiving an apostille does not include the time of sending.

Cost of services in case of personal submission

Name of the service Cost, UAH
Apostille without request, urgent, 2 hours 1500,00
Apostille without request, express, 2 working days 810,00
Apostille without request, express, 10 working days 540,00
Apostille with request, express, 20 working days 780,00
Apostille in the regular mode, 30 working days 270,00
Express processing for extraordinary issuance, 2 hours
if technologically possible
Additional reception (per one document),
reception beyond reception hours
Verification for legalization without request (express), 2 hours 750,00
Verification for legalization without request (express), 2 working days 570,00
Verification for legalization without request (express), 5 working days 360,00
Verification for legalization without request (express), 20 working days 150,00
Verification for legalization with request (express), 20 working days 840,00
Letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
for further verification for legalization of documents on education (document set of one person)
Statement of the I category of complexity (express), 2 working days 1260,00
Statement of the I category of complexity, 10 working days 630,00
Statement of the II category of complexity, 20-40 working days 900,00
Statement of the III category of complexity, 20-40 working days 1500,00
Statement of the IV category (express), 2 working days 570,00
Statement of the IV category, 10 working days 270,00
Additional copy of a Statement, 2 working days 270,00
Archival statement requisitioning, 40 working days
possibility of ordering the service is determined by the specialist
Forming a document package for WES USA
(without the cost of preparing application forms), 10 working days
only documents with apostille are accepted
Forming a document package for WES Canada
(without the cost of preparing application forms), 10 or 30 working days
Forming a document package for WES USA/WES Canada in the express mode
(without the cost of preparing application forms), 2 working days
Forming a document package for foreign organization: ICAS Canada, DSA,
NDEB, etc. (without the cost of preparing application forms), 30 working days
Application form (including document verification) 810,00
Application form (without document verification) 570,00
Express processing of a package of documents for extraordinary issuance,
2 working days
if technologically possible
Additional sending of documents to a foreign organization in electronic format,
2 working days
Sending/uploading the document in electronic format
(including the Ontario College of Teachers platform, etc.),
without the cost of preparing a statement and translation,10 working days
Document translation into English in the express mode (without notarization), 2 working days by calculation
Document translation into English (without notarization), 10 working days by calculation
Additional copy of translation, 2 working days 180,00
Information support for the drawing up of document on education, 2 working days 300,00
Information support for the drawing up of documents on education, 2 working days 570,00
Confirmation of the educational institution’s status
(per document package of one educational institution), 40 working days
if technologically possible
Organization of courier delivery across the territory of Ukraine (per package),
excluding the cost of courier services,2 working days
Organization of international postal shipping, 3 working days by calculation

Administrative fee Amount, UAH
For individuals per each Apostille stamp 51,00
For legal entities per each Apostille stamp 85,00

Cost of distance services for applicants from Ukraine

Name of the service Cost, UAH
Apostille without request, express, 2 working days 1110,00
Apostille without request, express, 10 working days 840,00
Apostille with request, express, 20 working days 1080,00
Apostille in the regular mode, 30 working days 570,00
Express processing for extraordinary issuance, 2 working days
if technologically possible
Verification for legalization without request (express), 2 working days 780,00
Verification for legalization without request (express), 5 working days 570,00
Verification for legalization without request (express), 20 working days 450,00
Verification for legalization with request (express), 20 working days 1050,00
Letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
for further verification for legalization of documents on education
(document set of one person)
Statement of the I category of complexity (express), 2 working days 1560,00
Statement of the I category of complexity, 10 working days 930,00
Statement of the II category of complexity, 20-40 working days 1200,00
Statement of the III category of complexity, 20-40 working days 1800,00
Statement of the IV category(express), 2 working days 870,00
Statement of the IV category, 10 working days 570,00
Additional copy of a Statement, 2 working days 540,00
Archival statement requisitioning, 40 working days
possibility of ordering the service is determined by the specialist
Forming a document package for WES USA
(without the cost of preparing application forms), 10 working days
only documents with apostille are accepted
Forming a document package for WES Canada
(without the cost of preparing application forms), 10 or 30 working days
Forming a document package for WES USA/WES Canada in the express mode
(without the cost of preparing application forms), 2 working days
Forming a document package for foreign organization: ICAS Canada, DSA,
NDEB, etc. (without the cost of preparing application forms), 30 working days
Application form (including document verification) 810,00
Application form (without document verification) 570,00
Express processing of a package of documents for extraordinary issuance,
2 working days
if technologically possible
Additional sending of documents to a foreign organization in electronic format,
2 working days
Sending/uploading the document in electronic format
(including the Ontario College of Teachers platform, etc.),
without the cost of preparing a statement and translation, 10 working days
Document translation into English in the express mode (without notarization), 2 working days by calculation
Document translation into English (without notarization),10 working days by calculation
Additional copy of translation, 2 working days 300,00
Information support for the drawing up of document on education, 2 working days 300,00
Information support for the drawing up of documents on education, 2 working days 570,00
Confirmation of the educational institution’s status
(per document package of one educational institution), 40 working days
if technologically possible
Organization of courier delivery across the territory of Ukraine (per package),
excluding the cost of courier services,2 working days
Organization of international postal shipping, 3 working days by calculation

Administrative fee Amount, UAH
For individuals per each Apostille stamp 51,00
For legal entities per each Apostille stamp 85,00

Cost of distance services for applicants from abroad

Name of the service Cost,
Apostille without request, express, 2 working days 100,00
Apostille without request, express, 10 working days 60,00
Apostille with request, express, 20 working days 60,00
Express processing for extraordinary issuance, 2 working days
if technologically possible
Ordering a Statement (express), 2 working days 80,00
Ordering a Statement, 10-40 working days 54,00
Additional copy of a Statement, 2 working days 20,00
Archival statement requisitioning, 40 working days
possibility of ordering the service is determined by the specialist
Forming a document package for WES USA (without the cost
of preparing application forms), 10 working days
only documents with apostille are accepted
Forming a document package for WES Canada(without the cost
of preparing application forms), 10 or 30 working days
Forming a document package for WES USA/WES Canada in the express mode
(without the cost of preparing application forms), 2 working days
Forming a document package for foreign organization: ICAS Canada, DSA, NDEB, etc. (without the cost of preparing application forms), 30 working days 80,00
Application form (including document verification) 24,00
Application form (without document verification) 15,00
Express processing of a package of documents for extraordinary issuance, 2 working days
if technologically possible
Additional sending of documents to a foreign organization in electronic format,
2 working days
Sending/uploading the document in electronic format
(including the Ontario College of Teachers platform, etc.), without the cost
of preparing a statement and translation,10 working days
Additional copy of translation, 2 working days 300,00
Document translation into English in the express mode (without notarization),
2 working days
by calculation
Document translation into English (without notarization), 10 working days by calculation
Additional copy of translation, 2 working days 15,00
Organization of international postal shipping, 3 working days by calculation
Administrative fee Amount, UAH
For individuals per each Apostille stamp 51,00
For legal entities per each Apostille stamp 85,00


  1.  The list of privileged categories of citizens who are granted a 50% discount* on the cost of services of apostille in the regular mode (30 working days), apostille with request express (20 working days), apostille without request express (10 working days), apostille without request express (2 working days), apostille without request urgent (2 hours).

    1.1. disabled people of the I and II Groups;

    1.2. citizens belonging to the I Category of the Chornobyl disaster victims;

    1.3. disabled children under the age of 18;

    1.4. orphans.

    * the discount is granted upon presentation of the original document confirming the affiliation to the privileged category, and in the case of providing services regarding documents whose owners belong to the privileged categories specified in this list.

  2.  Participants in hostilities who submit their documents or documents of their children (under the age of 18) are granted a 15% discount** on the cost of services of apostille in the regular mode (30 working days), apostille with request express (20 working days), apostille without request express (10 working days), apostille without request express (2 working days), apostille without request urgent (2 hours).

    ** the discount is granted upon presentation the original document confirming the status of a participant in hostilities, and in the case of providing services regarding documents that directly relate to these citizens.

  3.  Individuals specified in subparagraphs 1.1.-1.3. of the paragraph 1 and in the paragraph 2 have the right for priority of service.