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- Details
- Category: Без категорії
- Published on Tuesday, 20 October 2015 14:23
- Written by Макаревич Евгения
- Hits: 49471
Distant document application is a step-by-step process, which is realized only in Personal Cabinet (further – PC). All the documents — invoice and forms — you will get from an operator, with whom you will be communicating during the processing your request. You may send documents package to us only after passing all the steps of distant application.
Step 1. Creating the application for remote delivery in Personal Cabinet
Please sign up to open access to PC. After that you can begin creating the request for remote delivery. Fill the active forms (marked with *), keeping the instructions. In case of difficulties in filling the forms, you may ask your questions by phone — the operator can’t see any messages from not processed request. When you finished creating the application, please, push the “Send request for processing” button in available actions list.
Within 1-3 working days your request will be processed. Incorrect request will be not processed. If you are interested in fast processing of your application, you should fill the request correctly. All requirements are given below only to prevent any troubles in your documents processing.
Requirements for filling the request:
- Only a lawful age (18+) person with passport or personal ID may be an applicant.
- The holder of documents doesn’t need to be an applicant. There is no necessary in submitting documents by their holder. It can be done by any other person without notarized power of attorney.
- An applicant must create one joint request for all the documents he wants to submit. Please, do not create two different requests, for example, with diploma and its transcript. All the documents you want to submit must be attached to one common request — with information and scan-copies of each document.
- Request must be created by the applicant name, not by the documents holder’s name. For example, if the applicant wants to submit documents from different holders, he doesn’t need to create two different requests from two different people (watch §3.)
- Holder’s name in the request have to match with holder’s name in the documents (in Ukrainian.)
- If the applicant (in case of being the document holder at the same time) has changed his last name after getting diploma, he must point out his actual last name in the field about applicant, and point out his former last name in the field about holder.
Technical requirements for scan-copies:
- Please, attach all the pages, which content requisites of the documents (document name, serial number, signs, date issue, holders name).
- Scan-copies must be legible (recommended resolution – 200-300 dpi). If you have no ability to scan your documents, you may replace them by photos with the same technical requirements.
- Type of files — only .jpg/.jpeg.
- Maximal file size of one image — 1 Mb.
Scan-copies of your documents are the only way to define available terms and cost. We will appreciate if you give us an opportunity to make this process fast and correct.
Step 2. Terms and cost specification
The operator will answer on you request during 1-3 working days. In your personal cabinet you will get an answer from him about:
- correctness and accuracy of your request;
- or about available terms of processing your documents.
Please, push the envelope icon to read the message:
Picture 1. Unread message from operator
If you want to inform operator about chosen terms or ask more questions, please, do it in personal cabinet (pic. 2, 3). According to your chosen terms operator will generate for you forms, which you will have to put into the package before sending.
Picture 2. How to write an answer (1)
Picture 3. How to write an answer (2)
Please note! Choosing terms step is the last chance to make adjustments to your application (change the list of documents or services, for example). So you should think over carefully, because there will be no options to change something after generating the forms.
Step 3. Filling the form and paying the invoice
On this stage you print and fill the forms, and pay the bill.
The operator will send you generated forms to your personal cabinets, not to your e-mail. Please, push the “View the documents” button in available actions:
Рicture 4. Generated forms and/or invoices
Also you will receive an instruction on filling forms in your message list. Print the forms, then fill them and send scan-copies to operator to e-mail, pointed out in the instruction. The operator will look through the scan-copies and answer you in PC about accuracy of filling forms.
If you are going to pay in Ukraine, your invoice had been already generated with forms. If you are going to pay from abroad, operator will generate the invoice for you only after receiving scan-copies on e-mail (because invoice is generated according to information, which you point out in the forms).
Picture 5. How to pay
You may pay the invoice or in the PC on-line via Portmone, or in any bank with printed invoice. In case of paying via Portmone you don’t need any receipt after; if you are going to pay in the bank, please, save the bank receipt — you must put it into the package.
Step 4. Sending the package of documents
After checking the accuracy of filling forms, you will receive an answer from operator about your next step, which is sending the document actually.
Approximately list of documents, included in package:
- originals of educational documents;
- originals of correctly filled forms;
- original of bank receipt (if you’ve paid in bank).
This list is general. Please, look up to final list, written by operator in the message.
Then you must choose the courier service and send the formed package of documents to our office: Information and Image Centre SE, 25, Chornovola St., Kyiv 01135, Ukraine.
We inform usually in personal cabinet about receiving your package and starting to work with documents. Processing of your documents begins only the next day after receiving full payment and package of documents.
You may control status of your documents in your personal cabinet or by contact numbers.
Please note! According to the Law of Ukraine “On personal data protecting” and for confidentiality preservation we shall not give away personal information to third parties. Due to this all the information about documents is giving only to applicants.