Путь на сайте
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- Category: Без категорії
- Published on Sunday, 01 December 2024 12:38
- Written by Макаревич Евгения
- Hits: 11361
Preparing educational documents for submission to foreign institutions for recognition, as a rule, require their translation. Considering this need of the applicants, the State owned company "Information and Image Centre" provides the service of translation of educational documents into English (without notarization).
Quite often, the requirement of organizations abroad is to provide a Certified Translation as it can be used in formal qualification confirmation procedures, because its completeness and accuracy are confirmed by the official certification of the translator (Certification Statement). In Ukraine, translation activities are not subject to licensing or certification. Therefore, translation of the Centre is a translation made by a qualified translator, signed by him/her, certified by the signature of an official and the Centre’s seal. The translation is drawn up on the official form of the State owned company "Information and Image Centre".
Pay attention! Translations made by the Centre are not notarized.
Many foreign institutions already trust our translations, and with some it was agreed to send translations of the Centre as part of a document package (at the request of the applicant). Among them are WES Canada, WES USA, ICAS Canada.
If you are preparing documents for other organizations and have doubts, please clarify the requirements for translations and the possibility of providing such that the Centre performs.
Translations can be ordered both during a visit to the office and in the remote format. The cost is calculated by a specialist of the Centre during the reception of documents. We also provide two options, namely: ordering translations in paper and electronic form.
Original translations (in paper form) can be received in person at the office according to the issuance schedule or by courier service (in the case of ordering the service of delivery organization), and the electronic version - to the e-mail address specified during the document reception.
When ordering a translation service, please consider the following:
- the need to provide a copy of the foreign passport;
- agreement on spelling of the full name specified in the document (if it does not match the spelling in the foreign passport), translation of which is ordered;
- expression by the applicant of all wishes regarding translation before ordering the service, which will be considered by the translator for the possibility and acceptability of implementation;
- cooperation with the translator during his/her work with documents, if such a need arises (deciphering abbreviations and “handwritten” academic subjects, agreement on the spelling of full names, etc.).
We specialize in educational topics, and translations performed by qualified translators of the Centre have a quality guarantee.
International shipping
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- Category: Без категорії
- Published on Wednesday, 18 May 2022 13:48
- Written by Макаревич Евгения
- Hits: 1921
The service of organization of international shipment during martial law is available both for orders accepted before February 24, 2022, and for new orders. Orders are sent abroad using the «Nova Poshta Global» courier service.
The service is ordered and paid for separately after your main order is ready. The cost of the Centre’s service for the organization of sending orders abroad includes courier services and will depend on the country of destination.
To order shipping, follow these steps:
1. Fill in the application for the organization of international shipment. Scan, take a photo or take a photo (screenshot) of the screen with the completed application. File format - *.jpeg, maximum size - no more than 1 MB.
2. Create a new application for remote submission in the Personal Cabinet (instructions for PC registration and application creation). In the field «You want to pay your order in” select «Ukraine». At the «Add a document» stage, fill in the data of the document as follows:
- document type - «Application for international shipment»
- number - «without number»
- date of issue – current date
- Surname, name, patronymic – Surname, name, patronymic of the recipient of the package of documents
- Actions – the organization of international shipment
- Add file: add a file with the completed application
3. Save the document and save the application. In the list of applications in the «Available actions» column, click «Send request for processing».
4. Our specialist will process your application. If you need clarification, the specialist will contact you. Please review the specialist's messages in your Personal Cabinet.
5. The specialist will create an invoice for you, which will be available for payment in the Personal Cabinet (in the list of applications, column «Available actions», select «View documents»). Pay the bill online in the Personal Cabinet and send the receipt to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
6. The specialist will tell you the number of the international express consignment note (IECN) to track the shipment, receive a package with your documents.
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- Category: Без категорії
- Published on Thursday, 26 September 2019 11:53
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 10143
The State-owned company «Information and Image Centre» (National Information Centre of Academic Mobility ENIC Ukraine) of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, offers additional service of online verification of the documents on education, issued in Ukraine via partner’s web-platform DIGIFLOW. Before ordering, we recommend you to clarify in the organization, for which you are preparing the documents, what type of verification is accepted for consideration.
As a result of online verification, the authenticity of a document is confirmed or denied after the check-up by the specialists of our Centre and corresponding electronic certificate is generated to be submitted to whom it may concern, in English language, secured by the unique identification number and QR-code.
The online verification of the authenticity of a document on education is designed for educational documents’ holders and, if the consent of the document holder to personal data processing is provided, for document holder authorized representative, including organizations on recognition, employers, human resources agencies, screening companies and other stakeholders.
In order to get the result of authenticity check-up of a document on education, it is enough to go to the web-platform, using the following link, log in and make only 5 SIMPLE STEPS:
- Choose Ukraine in the drop-down country list and ENIC Ukraine as issuing authority, indicate corresponding education institution, mode of study and document type.
- Fill out all required fields, download the consent of the document holder to personal data processing (herewith or at the partners’ web-portal), fill it out, sign and upload together with the documents you want to verify.
- Review the data and confirm your order.
- Choose the convenient way of payment and pay for the ordered service online.
- Check up the result within the set terms in your personal cabinet, download and print out the certificate, confirming or denying the authenticity of a document on education.
Pay attention:
- Turnaround time: 7-20 business days.
- Payment is set according to the price policy of the partner.
- Irrespective of the result, positive or negative, the payment for the service provided is not refunded.
- Every document to be verified is considered a separate document (for example: Diploma and Diploma Supplement are considered two documents) and is a subject for separate verification cases.
- To verify a supplement to the main document, you have to download the main document as well. The supplement is considered invalid without the main document.
- The list of documents, which are subjects to verification, is provided here.
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- Category: Без категорії
- Published on Monday, 20 July 2020 21:09
- Written by Макаревич Евгения
- Hits: 3404
Due to different extraordinary circumstances, such as quarantine restrictions and high workload, document screening and signing the application letter for legalization may take up to 30 business days.
In order to speed up the process, if required, the professionals of the State-owned company “Information and Image Centre” suggest taking advantage of the following services:
distance verification for legalization – includes distance acceptance and processing of documents, consulting, preliminary analysis, informational and technical screening support for legalization in urgent mode, ensuring the dispatch to an applicant (excluding the costs of legalization and courier services)
urgent verification for legalization – includes acceptance and analysis of a document on education, informational and technical screening support for legalization in urgent mode (excluding legalization costs).
Read more in Cost and Terms.
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- Category: Без категорії
- Published on Wednesday, 23 May 2018 13:00
- Written by Веселова Ганна
- Hits: 3870
In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated May 20, 2009 No. 428, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decree dated August 31, 2011, No. 924 and the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated November 17, 2012, No. 925, one of the priority areas of the ENIC Ukraine activity is the preparation of documents and implementation of measures on organizational and methodical preparation of documents for the Apostille and verification of the authenticity of educational documents. In addition, according to the information contained in the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated September 29, 2017, No. 1/12-6125, to the Department of Consular Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the Centre's specialists control the preparation of documents on higher and vocational education for legalization.
While performing these functions, the Centre faces numerous cases of incorrect execution of educational documents and keeps receiving numerous inquiries from institutions of higher education regarding the contents and layout of educational documents and supplements to them. Only during 2017 the specialists of the Centre processed about 80 thousand documents on higher education, about 40% of documents issued by higher education institutions in 2015-2018 required reissuing. The specialists of the Centre process more than 1000 requests from foreign institutions annually and the volume of document circulation is constantly increasing.
Incorrect execution of educational documents by institutions of higher education causes additional financial expenses of higher education institutions and their graduates, provokes conflicts between applicants and specialists of the Centre, graduates and representatives of institutions of higher education, leads to complaints to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, image and reputation losses of institutions of higher education, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and system of education of Ukraine as a whole.
In this regard, the Centre's experts, using considerable experience in practical and analytical work, have developed user-friendly practical recommendations, concerning the contents and execution of higher education documents for specialists of higher education institutions, responsible for the preparation of educational documents.
The recommendations provided below in the format of informative presentations were tested in the course of two workshops of the ENIC Ukraine (state-owned company “Information and Image Centre”): “Issuing Educational Documents by Ukrainian HEIs: Peculiarities and Problems” with the participation of the representatives of the relevant structural units of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and state-owned company "Inforesurs" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Below, we offer the specialists of institutions of higher education the recommendations on the contents and layout of documents on higher education:
- Documents on higher education layout (UKR)
- Recommendations on the contents of diplomas and supplements to the diplomas of Bachelor, Specialist and Master (UKR)
If you have additional questions, don’t hesitate to call: 044-484-64-25.
Also, we pay attention to the representatives of institutions of higher education on the peculiarities of submitting foreign students’ documents for Apostille.