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International shipping
- Details
- Category: Без категорії
- Published on Wednesday, 18 May 2022 13:48
- Written by Макаревич Евгения
- Hits: 1855
The service of organization of international shipment during martial law is available both for orders accepted before February 24, 2022, and for new orders. Orders are sent abroad using the «Nova Poshta Global» courier service.
The service is ordered and paid for separately after your main order is ready. The cost of the Centre’s service for the organization of sending orders abroad includes courier services and will depend on the country of destination.
To order shipping, follow these steps:
1. Fill in the application for the organization of international shipment. Scan, take a photo or take a photo (screenshot) of the screen with the completed application. File format - *.jpeg, maximum size - no more than 1 MB.
2. Create a new application for remote submission in the Personal Cabinet (instructions for PC registration and application creation). In the field «You want to pay your order in” select «Ukraine». At the «Add a document» stage, fill in the data of the document as follows:
- document type - «Application for international shipment»
- number - «without number»
- date of issue – current date
- Surname, name, patronymic – Surname, name, patronymic of the recipient of the package of documents
- Actions – the organization of international shipment
- Add file: add a file with the completed application
3. Save the document and save the application. In the list of applications in the «Available actions» column, click «Send request for processing».
4. Our specialist will process your application. If you need clarification, the specialist will contact you. Please review the specialist's messages in your Personal Cabinet.
5. The specialist will create an invoice for you, which will be available for payment in the Personal Cabinet (in the list of applications, column «Available actions», select «View documents»). Pay the bill online in the Personal Cabinet and send the receipt to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
6. The specialist will tell you the number of the international express consignment note (IECN) to track the shipment, receive a package with your documents.