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If the documents cannot be confirmed
- Details
- Category: News
- Published on Sunday, 12 June 2022 18:26
- Written by Макаревич Евгения
- Hits: 1680
Dear clients!
As a result of the armed aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine, the educational infrastructure continues to suffer. Due to the inaccessibility, damage or destruction of the archives of educational institutions which are located or were located in the zone of military actions (hostilities) or in territories that are under temporary occupation, in encirclement (blockade) because of the large-scale armed aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine, in many cases it becomes impossible to obtain information required for affixing the Apostille of the Ministry of Education and Science.
Given the situation, our Centre can provide an official letter explaining the reasons for the absence of the Apostille of the Ministry of Education and Science in the name of the holder of educational documents issued by educational institutions located in areas according to the List of territorial communities located in the area of military actions (hostilities) or that are under temporary occupation, in encirclement (blockade), approved by the Order of the Ministry for Reintegration of the Temporary Occupied Territories of Ukraine on April 25, 2022 № 75.
Such a letter is provided free of charge. The term of preparation of the letter is up to 10 working days. To obtain a letter the holder of educational documents (or his representative) needs to provide:
- filled in application from the holder of the documents (download a sample);
- consent to the personal data processing from the holder and the applicant (if the applicant is not the holder of the documents) (download a sample);
- copies of educational documents.
Please note that an apostille is not affixed to correspondence documents. Such a letter is not certified by an apostille. If you need to certify with an apostille an official document on the compliance of documents on education with the state standards and the impossibility of their confirmation - pay attention to the Statement on impossibility to confirm documents on education. More >>
The following services may be useful for those who have lost, left or have not received the already made originals of documents on education: Statement for apostille certification of information from the Unified State Electronic Database on Education and Statement on obtained educational qualification or period of study. More >>
We remind you that remote submission remote submission of our services and organization of order sending both across Ukraine and international shipments are available.
Additional information:
- Graduates of general secondary education institutions of the 2021/2022 academic year have the opportunity to obtain documents on education regardless of the place of location. More >>
- Graduates of general secondary education institutions before the 2021 academic year can obtain a duplicate of the document on general secondary education. More >>
- Graduates of higher education institutions have the opportunity to obtain a duplicate of the document on higher education. More >>