Категорія: Без категорії
Опубліковано: Понеділок, 24 квітня 2017, 11:13
Перегляди: 221024

Dear Clients!

It is advised to assure oneself of document correct layout before the apostille submission procedure. You should check the most common mistakes in the document layout. In case you have found such mistakes in your documents or their supplements, you should appeal with a written application on document substitution or duplicate issue to your Higher Education Institution (HEI), its legal successor, or in case of legal successor absence – to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

We would like to remind that Centre specialists do not influence and are not responsible for the document drawing up by the HEI or other establishment. The responsibility for document correct layout, timely issue or substitution (if applicable) is on HEIs. The Centre will not consider complaints about incorrect layout of your documents.

The most common mistakes in the layout of educational document

1. Diploma or supplement does not comply with the state standard that was legal at the document issue moment

Ukrainian HEIs had been issuing educational documents of one unified sample up till 2014. Since 2014 HEIs have obtained a right to issue educational documents of their own samples. However, information list of state standard diplomas, their supplements and academic transcripts is approved by corresponding regulatory acts. In the event of discrepancy between diploma or supplement content/layout and regulatory act requirements, such document shall not be accepted for the apostille affixation. You can check out education document samples at the ENIC Ukraine web-site.

2. Printed seal and signature of the authorized person

Make sure that the seal and rector’s (another authorized person) signature, which certify your document, are not printed. In case the printing was confirmed, you are able to request substitution of such diploma or supplement for the document with original signature of the authorized person and HEI seal. The images of seal and signature had been made by means of photographic printing till 2014, while the document samples were unified. Nevertheless, such document contained some elements of the additional protection. Since it was terminated to issue diploma by means of photographic printing, all educational documents must be certified with original seal and signature.

3. Transcript, program, curriculum or extract thereto that do no not comply with the layout standards

Check whether the certificate, archive transcript, academic program and extract thereto were drawn up in a correct manner. Get assured please that their layout is in correspondence with legal regulatory framework and document layout standards. These documents must be drawn up in Ukrainian language and contain all compulsory elements of the format, including:

* If a document is presented on two or more separate sheets, it must be stitched, numbered and affixed in a manner that makes it impossible to disassociate it without violating its integrity. It should indicate the number of souvenir sheets, put a copy of the official (authorized to sign) person and the seal of the higher educational institution.

Oriented samples of layout may be found at our web-site.

4. Duplicate layout

Document duplicate shall be issued following the legal (at the moment of issue) layout rather than initial document format. Duplicate must contain all the information, present in the initial document, including name of the HEI, which was official at the moment of issue. However this rule does not apply to the compulsory elements of the format, such as number and date of issue. Duplicate is certified with the signature of HEI authorized person (at the moment of duplicate issue), pointing out its actual position, surname and initials. HEI issues the duplicate and certifies it by the corresponding seal.

We do hope that educational documents are drawn up without violations. However, if you had noticed one of these discrepancies in your educational documents – you are asked to make a substitution of such document before office visit. It will save your time.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that violation in document layout may become an obstacle for successful recognition of your documents abroad.