WARNING! From June 1, 2022, our representative office in Ternopil ceases its operations

Category: News
Published on Saturday, 21 May 2022 23:17
Written by Макаревич Евгения
Hits: 1260

In these difficult times, we have decided to reunite for even more efficient work and quality service provision for you. Therefore, we would like to inform you that the team currently working in the Ternopil representative office is returning to Kyiv.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that June 1, 2022 is the last day of the Ternopil office work at the address: 18, Medova Street, Ternopil.

Applicants who have submitted documents to the Ternopil office are kindly asked to pick up the ready documents by June 1, 2022 inclusive or order dispatch by courier service. Otherwise, you can collect the original documents on education in our Kyiv office at the address: 25, V. Chernovola, Kyiv.